Sunday, September 20, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

My sincere Hari Raya Aidilfitri wishes to all my Muslim brothers, sisters and friends.

It is truly a time for reflection, forgiveness and celebration. On the topic of reflection, I cant help but compare the death toll from Ops Sikap XX versus H1N1. There was so much hoo ha regarding the latter. Everyone (almost) was scared for a moment. Sadly, the public does not exercise the same level of alertness and diligence in combating road traffic accident related deaths.

On the topic of forgiveness, allow me to use this opportunity to seek forgiveness for all those unpleasant things I may have done over the past one year.

The celebration? Well, here's one story worth celebrating .....

A 48 year old lady conceives her first child spontaneously after 8 years of marriage. She is due only in mid-October. She came to the hospital just before midnight yesterday. Examination revealed that she was in labour but the fetus was underweight (<2.5kg) and slightly premature. The conditions were favourable for a normal delivery. My midwife was not too amused. " 48 years old, got pregnant after 8 years, better C-Section", she mumbled as I left the labour room. I didn't want to hear that negative remark anymore....

I took a walk outside the hospital, reflecting on all those evidence that says 'being mature' is not an indication for a C-Section. And deep in my heart, I wanted to give her the chance to deliver vaginally.

Half an hour later, the phone rang. "Dr! You kat mana?!", the voice cracked. I rushed back in and reached just in time as she began to bear down. Alas, the first "Raya" baby was born soon after. As I reviewed the mother this morning, I realized she had been cool and composed all along. A new meaning to the word 'mature' perhaps? He He

Monday, September 14, 2009

Waktu Rawatan Pakar Wanita Suria (Consultation Hours)

Here we go again .... need to change my consultation hours again!

Effective October 1st, for SURIA, its 2pm-10pm Sunday to friday. Closed on Saturday.

For Mawar, its 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday.

I shall be available 24hours thru Salam & Mawar.

Prefer appointments because sometimes .... I do close the clinic when there are no appointments :-)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I received a phone call recently:

Caller: "Dr! I'm Mrs X's niece! Remember? You helped her deliver?"

Me: "Yes, go on."

Caller: "Well, we've given away the child for adoption. And the adoptive parents would like to meet you to make sure the child is completely ok"

Me: "What?!" (Not believing such people exist)

Caller: (Repeats the request)

Me: "Well, I suggest that they go see a Paediatrician"

Caller: "What?!" (Perhaps not believing that I would actually refuse)

Me: "Yes, you heard me right. Go see a paediatrician"

Well, there you are.... This is how some people view adoption - as if the baby is some 'commodity' that has to be checked for defects. Forgive me for lashing out but I suppose this is what happens when the biological parents and adoptive parents refuse to meet in person. And I sometimes doubt the sincerity of those who wish to take a child for adoption.

I have heard of couples paying thousands of ringgit to 'agents' to get a baby for adoption. And some have related how they got conned and returned home empty handed.


You can't buy babies! You are BLESSED with them.

Even if they are not your own. Even if you pay.

Get it? Don't? I rest my case....